Philippians Chapter 1
- Read or listen to Philippians Chapter 1 several times and make a note of keywords and ideas Paul makes.
- Summarise Paul’s current situation. What do you notice about his attitude toward others who are preaching Christ?
- vs1.5 – Paul says the Philippians are his partners in the gospel. Why does he see them this way?
- vs1.6 – What does Paul mean when he says God will complete the good work he began in them?
Also look up in Acts 16 and see God reveal himself to Lydia and the jailer - vs1.8 – Paul says he deeply misses the Philippians “with the affection of Christ Jesus”. What does this reveal about Christ’s heart toward us?
- vs1.9 – 11 – What do we learn about Paul’s perspective on life from his prayer?
- What sorts of things are people typically concerned with in Paul’s situation? What do we learn about Paul’s priorities in this passage? What does he rejoice over?
- Where and Why have you been “put” at the moment in your life – at your university, in your work, in your church, in your family? (Like Paul shared specifically with the Imperial Guard, God has put you into certain people’s lives. Who are they? Why does it make sense that you would be the person to share? Are there cases where there is no one else but you to share? Are you partnering with others?)
- vs1.27 – 30 How do we live in a Manner worthy of Christ? Is this earning credit with God? Make a list of some other verses which tell what it means to live for Christ
- Paul seems to have a strong sense of purpose and wherever he is and whatever is happening he continues to trust God and have joy from that relationship. Watch this video of The Afters – This is what we’re here for
To finish off exploring Chapter One, Summarise Chapter 1 in your own words – be brief – we will create our own version of Philippians!
Applying to your own life
- Who in your life could be “partnering with you” in sharing the gospel in the different places God has placed you? Grab a meal or drink with them and talk/pray about how you could partner.
- Think of the Christians that know you best. What do you think they see in your life which would cause them to thank God, rejoice, and have confidence that God is at work in you?
- How do your life priorities affect those around you? Do others see the gospel as a priority in your life and become more confident in the Lord?
- Think again about the situations God has “put” you in. Where do you find yourself afraid to talk about Him?
- What changes do you need to make to your lifestyle to be the image of Christ?
Questions for Group Discussions
- Paul is currently jailed, writing to those following Jesus in Philippi – what attitudes did you detect in reading this chapter?
- Why do Paul’s circumstances not affect his overall joy with being in Christ?
- How can joy be faked? What grows genuine joy in us?
- What are some scriptures which describe what a mature Christ follower looks like?
Other resources
- Introduction video to Philippians 1 – Allan Parr 5min26 –
- The Bible Project – Book of Philippians